Reading Online Novel

Carl:Caveman Instinct series 2.5(3)

I should have fought my kidnapper when I realized what he was doing, but  I was in shock, or more accurately captivated by the man. The guy who  took me was beyond gorgeous. It was like someone came along and took my  fantasy guy from all my dreams and placed him before me.

By the time I realized he was a crazy loon, a gorgeous man candy loon,  but a crazy loon nevertheless, it was too late. I was already in the  Porsche and he was speeding to get away. I debated how hurt I'd get if I  opened the door and jumped out, but he was going really fast and I  wasn't a fan of pain.                       


"Why did you take me?" I was sure if he told me why he'd taken me, I  could convince him I wasn't the person he thought, and he'd taken the  wrong person.

"You're mine. I am one of the oldest in my family to find my soulmate.  To succumb to the curse, er, gift the gypsies gave my family."

Oh this poor man. He was certifiably insane. I wondered if he was even a  doctor. Of course I'd heard of the Silverman family. They were one of  the wealthiest and most famous families in Australia, maybe even the  world. Was he even a Silverman? It didn't seem like he'd stolen the car,  but what did I know, I'd gotten kidnapped. The man thought I was his.

"What do you mean by soulmate? Surely you don't think I can have a  relationship with a man who kidnapped me?" I was insanely attracted to  this man, but I wasn't impressed by his behavior and I knew nothing  could come of our attraction

He nodded his head. "Yes. You'll forgive me for taking you, but we're  meant to be. You're my one. The other half of my soul. It can't be any  other way."

Okay, so not only was there something really wrong with this guy, there  was something wrong with me, because I actually felt a slight pull at my  chest and melted a little. Well crap, no more romance books for me.  Maybe I could explain why I was at the hospital and why I couldn't go  with him. If I went along with his crazy plan then he might let me go.

"Well if we're meant to be, why don't you let me go? I need to get back  to my mother. She's in the hospital. It's why I was there. Please."

I felt his car slow and looked out the window to confirm it as the  scenery went by slower. I breathed a sigh of relief, there might just be  a sane part of this man.

"What's your last name?" He dug into his pocket and pulled out a phone, not mine, but a new iPhone.

"You kidnaped me and only know my first name and that is because I was  stupid enough to tell you. I don't know your name and until you take me  back to the hospital you won't know mine. If you think I'm your ‘soul  mate' then you'll want me happy and to do that you need to take me back  to my mother now. " There, I was tough and showed him I wasn't ready to  be ordered around or taken where I don't want to go.

The car was quiet as I studied the man and he didn't look at all worried  about what I'd just said. I noticed his body shaking, then a chuckle  left his lips and suddenly that turned into a deep belly laugh. Well  hell. That didn't work. He didn't find my tough act intimidating at all.

"Carl." He said between chuckles.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"Carl. That's my name. Doctor Carl Silverman. You may call me whatever you like."

"How about Wanker, Arsehole, or Dickhead? And I'm sure others will come  to me." I think this ‘Carl' has escaped from being committed. I hoped  he hadn't hurt anyone when he left the hospital and took some poor guy's  car. I shouldn't have called him all those things. What had Carl done? I  didn't want him to hurt me. Weird. Why hadn't I thought about him  hurting me before? Oh what the hell is going on? What is wrong with me? I  wasn't acting at all rational or responding like a normal person who'd  been kidnapped. Something definitely wasn't right.

Carl's laugh deepened. "You have quite the potty mouth." He chuckled.  "No one has spoken to me the way you are now in many, many, years."

I needed to figure out what was going on. Maybe I'd fallen asleep and  this was a dream? "Well maybe if they did you would have sought help  sooner." I knew I should shut up. If I was thinking and acting  rationally I wouldn't antagonize the crazy guy, but for some reason he  just got to me. I wasn't usually a fighter or snarky like I was being  with Carl, but I didn't feel like he would hurt me.

"Help for what?" He raised his brow.

Leaning over I patted his thigh. "It's okay Carl. I promise if you take  me back to the hospital so I can be with my sick mother, I will not tell  the authorities about this little mishap." Maybe a caring approach  might work better.

"I'm not insane!"

Shrinking back in the seat at his shout, I decided to stay quiet and let him calm down.

Carl connected the phone to a wireless Bluetooth. "Call Duncan."

The phone replied. "Calling Duncan."

The line picked up on the second ring and a man that looked a lot like  Carl, but an older version came onto the screen. "What's wrong? Are you  hurt? Dying? You never call."                       


I eyed the phone and debated what my chances were of grabbing it and calling the police for help.

"Don't even think about it." I jumped and glanced at Carl in time to see  him shake his head at me, before turning back to the road. "I'm calling  my brother so you'll believe me. If you touch this phone I will pull  the car over and restrain you. Do you understand?"

Holy crap. I nodded. I didn't want to be restrained and I didn't trust  that that was all he'd do to me. I may have felt weirdly towards Carl,  but I still had some common sense. The little freedom I had was better  than the alternative.

"Carl, what the hell are you talking about?" The guy on the phone asked.

"Duncan, I've found my mate. You were right; the curse is real."

Duncan's whole face lit up on the screen in a huge smile.  "Congratulations brother. When did this happen? Is this why you haven't  called us back. We've been trying to call."

"No this isn't why I didn't call. I only found her about fifteen ago."

"What! How are you talking to us? Why are you so rational? Are you sure it's the curse, er, um, gift?"

This time Carl's laugh was hollow sounding. "Oh it's the curse. I think  I'm not all caveman because I didn't fight the curse. I let it take  over. It's why I'm now about to get on the highway and go to our family  cabin. I kidnapped my mate."

"Oh fuck. What do you mean by kidnapped?" The guy Duncan, didn't sound  concerned, more annoyed, curious, and he still looked happy.

Carl sighed. "I'd just finished a double shift and was walking to my car  when I spotted her on the phone. Well, first I heard her voice and I  became instantly awake and my exhaustion left me, and I just knew who  that voice belonged to. Then I saw her and the curse took over. I let  it. One thing I have learnt thanks to my nephews is just go with what  the gypsies gave us. Don't fight it or try to give your mate time to  adjust."

Duncan groaned and the smile slipped. "Dustan isn't fighting it. Cassie  has done a runner. Besides torturing her family for the info on where  she is, which I think Dustan will do once he has everything in America  set, he's coming back to Australia so he can pursue her. Stephan didn't  put up a fight, Jade was too young to just take, and Richard's Bailey  was the same." Duncan moaned and a horrified look came over his face.  "Please tell me she isn't under age?"

I watched and listened, not believing what I was hearing. The whole  family sounded like lunatics. I needed to escape. Right then I didn't  care if the man was a Silverman or not. I felt like I'd stepped into the  twilight zone. I should feel scared. Terrified. But for some reason, I  was just angry, confused, annoyed, and frustrated. The longer I sat in  the car, the more I started to think that there was not just something  wrong with Carl, there was definitely something wrong with me.

"Oh course not. She's about twenty four, maybe five. I'm not a complete idiot."

It was hard in that moment not to like my kidnapper. He thought I was  five or six years younger than I was. He may have been crazy, but he was  good for my ego. Oh crap, maybe crazy could rub off on people.

"Good, good." Duncan said and his face relaxed and slipped back into a smile.

"I called because I need security and I may need Ryder to help with the police. I took her from the hospital-"

"What do you mean you took her from the hospital?" Duncan's voice was getting louder and his smile vanished again.

This was my chance to get help. "Please help me. My mother is sick and I need to-"