Reading Online Novel

CAPTURED: 9 Alpha Bad-Boys(208)

His other three brothers had sent him on different scavenger hunts as  well, laughing in delight when he returned, at times bruised and bloody  from his journeys. He was about to leave on another hunt that morning  when Riley begged him to take her instead to the ancient walled city  where she heard Fred and Bob were visiting. They had come from the  Curizan home world to visit and sell some of their wares.         



He had guided her to a strange-looking device that looked like an  oversized jet ski. After he helped her climb on, he told her to wrap her  arms tightly around him before he powered it on, and they slowly rose  up into the air. Her excited laugh drew chuckles from the surrounding  guards who would follow them. Soon, they were gliding through the thick  forests.

It had taken them a couple of hours to cover the distance between the  two cities. Vox explained they could have made it sooner, but he wanted  to show her a little of his world. Riley had grinned in delight as he  glided through the thick forests, past thundering waterfalls, and over  vast fields of flowers and farmland. Before she realized it, they were  landing in a small meadow on the outskirts of the huge walled city.

"We will leave the gliders here. The city is often crowded with visitors  from other worlds, and I thought you might like to stretch your legs  after the long ride," Vox said quietly as he helped her off the sleek  machine.

Riley groaned as she rubbed her palms down along the back of her thighs.  "Thank you. I think my butt has fallen asleep," she replied with a  grin.

"Shift and we can run for a bit," Vox chuckled.

Riley didn't need to be told twice. She called to her cat, teasing it  that she thought she saw a mouse. Within seconds, her cat stood  stretching in front of Vox. With a playful swish of her tail, she took  off running in delight across through the high grass. Vox quickly  shifted and followed her while the four guards with them secured the  gliders.

A half hour later, the loud roar of Vox's leopard behind her called out  to her to slow as they neared the outskirts of the city where Bob and  Fred were currently visiting with Titus and Banu. Riley had learned that  this ‘zone' was under the protection of the two brothers. She was  excited about seeing them as well but not as much as she was about  seeing Bob and Fred. She owed Bob an apology for being mean to him the  last time she saw him.

"Riley, shift," Vox called out from behind her.

Riley stumbled as she shifted in mid-stride. She was getting better at  it but she was still a little clumsy. She turned and smiled brightly at  Vox as he strode toward her. He still took her breath away just watching  him. She had a feeling it would always be like that. She glanced down  at the glimmering ring on her finger. After she had explained what a  "marriage" was and the symbol of a ring, Vox had disappeared for a short  period only to return with a bouquet of flowers-roots, dirt, and  all-and a handful of rings. He had knelt down in front of her and asked  her to "marriage" him. Her eyes softened when she remembered his intense  stare as he waited for her reply. They had made love right there on the  floor of the living room, rings, flowers, and dirt scattered around  them unseen. Later, she had picked out a simple ring that had swirling  bands of color that changed as it caught the light. It was set in  platinum if she wasn't mistaken and took her breath away. It fit her  perfectly, and she couldn't help but gaze at it every chance she got.

Vox had not been finished with her though. He said that Viper was on his  way back with Tina and her Grandma Pearl. She had been so excited about  the prospect of seeing them she missed the underlining sound of strain  in his voice as he told her.

"He said he is still picking salt out of his ass," Vox had said in  amusement. "You were not joking when you said your Grandma Pearl would  fill his ass full of it. Viper discovered salt pellets will penetrate  our fur. He also said your sister is excited about seeing you. They will  be here for our marriage ceremony."

He did not tell Riley what Viper had really said about Tina. He was not  sure Riley would appreciate some of the more colorful words, much less  the threats, Viper had been shouting when he had talked to him last.  Opinionated, stubborn, vicious, hard-headed were just a few of them, and  those were the nicer ones. He also did not tell her how close she had  come to losing her little sister. The information Riley had about her  former boss and his father proved to be more dangerous than his mate  realized. He had sent copies of the information to Viper so it could be  turned over to the proper authorities on Earth. After listening to what  happened when that information was shared, he shuddered to think about  what would have happened to his mate if the trader had not kidnapped  her. He had no doubt she would have perished. Viper had been in an  uncontrollable rage as he related what had happened and how he had to  take matters into his own hands, otherwise Riley would have lost both  Tina and her Grandma Pearl.

"How much further? Are we almost there? Do you think Bob and Fred will  be excited to see us? Oh, I hope they are doing well," Riley said as she  bounced up and down.

Vox's gaze softened as he watched the excited bloom of color flush his  mate's face. It was so much better than the paleness from this morning  when she had been sick and threatening to castrate him again for getting  her with cub. He had held her pale, shaky form as she lost what little  she had in her stomach over and over, until she could barely lift her  head. His gaze moved down to her belly. He could tell the slight changes  in it already. Her waist was expanding ever so slightly and her huge  breasts were even larger. His mouth watered at the thought of the milk  they would produce. Hell, his balls drew up just at the thought, and he  was ready to pounce on her again.

I can pounce, his cat purred softly. I suckle from our mate.

Guall's balls, this is difficult enough as it is! You know she will not  be happy if we take her where the guards can see us again, Vox muttered  in despair.

He knew because he had done it once already, and it had taken him hours  to get her to come out of the bathroom where she had barricaded herself.  She had sworn she would never come out again as long as she lived. He  had to cover his mouth to keep the laughter in when she went on to  explain how her petrified body would be enclosed in the magnificent  bathroom for all to see in the future and historians would explain that  she had died of mortification because her hairball soon-to-be-dead  fiancé couldn't control his damn cock! He had totally agreed that he  couldn't and didn't even want to try.

"Well?" she demanded thumping him on the chest to get his attention. "Do you?"

"Do I what?" Vox asked in confusion.

Riley rolled her eyes and groaned. "You were thinking about sex again,  weren't you? You never hear what I say when you are thinking about it,  which is like-always! I asked if you thought the guys would be excited  to see us," she huffed out, turning back toward the walled city.

Vox reached out, spinning her around, and brushing her lips with his.  "Yes, they will be excited to see you. Both have sent missives asking  how you were doing. Fred even threatened to come steal you away if I  didn't take good care of you."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Riley asked in shock that her two, dear friends had been checking up on her.

Vox flushed and looked away over her shoulder at the gates leading into  the city. "I was afraid you would tell them you were unhappy, and they  would figure out a way to steal you away from me," he admitted.

He turned back to face her when he felt her soft palm against his cheek.  "I love you, Vox. I won't let anyone take me away from you."

"I love you too, Riley. So very, very much it scares me sometimes," Vox  whispered. "I have never felt so vulnerable before or been afraid of  anything-but the idea of something happening to you terrifies me."

Riley's eyes glittered with tears as she wrapped her arms around his  neck, pulling his head down to her so she could kiss him. She ran her  tongue along the seam of his lips, purring as they parted for her. Soon  their tongues were dueling in a furious battle of passion and desire.  She sighed when Vox reluctantly pulled back.

"If we do not stop, I will claim you right here and now. I don't think  you will be happy with me if I do that again with the guards watching  us," he grunted out tersely.

Riley chuckled as she pulled back with a deep breath. "I'm glad you have  your head screwed on straight because mine is not working right, right  now. Let's go before I forget we aren't alone," she said with a wink and  a giggle at the responding growl.

They entered the city through the huge gates. Riley's eyes took in the  neat, clean streets filled with merchants, residents, and traders of all  shapes and forms. They walked along the beautiful cobbled roads  littered with strange beasts pulling carts and wagons.