Reading Online Novel

Be My Hero(10)

Interesting. I wondered if the two guys were fighting over her. Sticking  my nose where it didn't belong, I approached her, even though she'd  just turned Hamilton down for a drink. Hey, I needed something more  stimulating in my life than conversations with a three-month-old. So I  snooped into my coworkers' lives.

At first, I pretended to treat her like any other customer. "Hey there,  pretty lady. Can I get you drink?" Then I looked into her eyes and hoped  to God my impression of a double take looked genuine as I pointed at  her. "Wait, you were here a few weeks back, flirting with Gamble,  weren't you? He's working the bar tonight."

I led her up to the bar and called for Gamble to get his attention. When  he caught sight of her, his eyes lit up, telling me that if he and Ten  had been fighting over her, he'd definitely won the match.

It was like watching a soap opera. Ten avoided the bar while she was  there, and Gamble decided flirting with her was a job requirement. Since  I didn't know Hamilton yet, I sidled up next to Mason to tip my chin  toward Gamble and his woman. "So, what's up with those two?"

I was hoping for a Ten-Gamble fight to the death story, but Lowe shocked  the shit out of me when he said, "She's his literature professor."

"Really?" Pretty little thing like her didn't look like any literature  professor I'd ever seen before. But then I narrowed my eyes. "He's not  doing her for a grade, is he?" I had no patience for men who used,  manipulated, disrespected, or in any way hurt a woman.         



Mason only smiled and shook his head. "Not that I can tell. I think he really likes her."

"Hmm." That was good, at least. "What's Ten's problem, then? He into her too?"

"I don't think so." Mason gathered up a row of used glasses sitting on  the bar. "I'm guessing he just knows more about their relationship than  he's supposed to, and that makes Gamble nervous. Big time."

Knowing Ten and his smart-assed, lewd mouth, I figured Lowe had to be  right. Ten had no doubt said something offensive enough to rile Gamble  into giving him a black eye.

My shoulders slumped now that I knew what was going on. Well, that  turned out to be a bummer of a dead end in the entertainment department.

I delivered my drinks, and a couple drunk girls flirted with me,  inviting me back to their places. It put a strain on the celibacy pact  I'd made with myself, even though I would've turned them down anyway.  But then I got a nice, fat tip right before closing that made up for the  rest of my dud of a night.

We closed up shop and kicked everyone out, except Gamble's teacher  girlfriend. I was a little loath to go home so I took my sweet time  sweeping the floor. I had a bad feeling I'd find Julian passed out in  his swing, right where I'd left him before leaving for work. And it  wouldn't be the first time.

I knew Tristy was having a hard time dealing with being a new mom, but  damn, sometimes I wished she'd just hold him, or make nonsense faces at  him, or change his damn diaper more than once a day.

I was trying my hardest to help her out and be patient because the  moment I said something to piss her off, she was going lose it and  probably fall of the wagon, turn to drugs, and then I don't know what.  But every damn day, it got harder and harder not to just shove her son  in her face and demand that she love him, and coddle him, and spoil him  rotten already.

A commotion at the bar jerked me from my thoughts. I stopped sweeping to  find some other chick had come in after we'd closed. She was a little  older, probably in her mid-forties and looked like the rich, polished  type. Definitely not a typical Forbidden college student customer.

The way she paid attention to Mason told me she wasn't here to get her party on. She was here solely to see him.

"Fine," she snarled. "Since you're forcing me to speak out among your  friends, then I will. I'm pregnant. And you're the father."

I was about ten yards behind her so I couldn't see what she was  revealing when she swept open her coat, but I assumed it was a  decent-sized baby bump by the way Mason's mouth dropped open as he  stared in horror.

Suddenly, I regretted wanting something a little more exciting to happen  tonight because I didn't want to think of Lowe as a cheater. He'd  talked sweet about his girlfriend, Reese, as if he were a faithful,  dedicated guy. I had liked that about him. But he turned away from the  woman, and marched out from behind the bar and then down the hall to the  bathroom in a guilty kind of trance. He'd definitely had sex with her.

Abandoning my broom, I followed him, pushing open the bathroom door to  see if he was okay, and hopefully to find out he hadn't fucked around on  his woman. Maybe all this was a big misunderstanding and-

Shit. He was too busy vomiting to talk to me. I heard the heaving from inside the stall and turned right back around.

The virgin was opening the front door for Mason's baby mama to leave as I returned to the big room.

"Well, he's puking his guts out," I told Gamble, thinking the cheating  bastard Lowe deserved it. "Impending fatherhood must not suit him."

Gamble's teacher girlfriend made a sound as if she wanted to disagree  with me, but she ended up holding her tongue. Gam glanced her way.  "What?"

She gave a small shake of her head and sent him a tight smile. "Nothing."

They stared at each other a couple seconds, and had some kind of silent  conversation that only a couple in a committed relationship could have,  which made me want to gag because today was not the day I wanted to  invest in true love, and soul mates, and happily fucking ever after.

A cell phone by the cash register started to ring, jerking me from my bitter thoughts.

Ten tipped his chin toward it. "Is that Lowe's phone?"

Everyone left in the club glanced at each other. We all knew Mason's  shit was hitting the fan right now. Nothing on the other end of the line  could be good news.

Gamble, the leader of our merry little crew, stepped toward it. "It's Reese."

Fuck. "That's his girlfriend's name."

Hamilton glanced at me, then at Gamble. "Should we answer it for him?"

Snorting out a dry laugh, Gamble lifted his hands. "And say what? Sorry,  but your man can't come to the phone right now; he just found out he's  going to be a daddy . . . to another woman's kid."         



So no one answered the phone. Its ring seemed to echo through my chest,  telling me with each vibration that Mason's woman knew exactly what had  just happened.

I wondered if she was raging mad, or hurt so bad her spirit felt crushed. Poor girl. I wanted to kick Lowe's ass for her.

When the ringing stopped, it continued to ricochet through my head,  making me feel evening guiltier. Shit. She deserved to know what had  happened.

When the phone started up again, I couldn't take it. "I have a feeling  she's going to keep calling," I told Gamble. "She must know something's  up." If he didn't answer it, I would.

He sent me a scowl, and then looked at his woman for another one of their silent conversations.

I was about to hop behind the counter and grab the fucking phone myself when Gamble finally acted.

But as soon as he answered it, fucking Ten yelped, "Shit! Are you really  going to tell her some old chick just came in, claiming Lowe knocked  her up?"

Gamble sent Ten a death glare and promptly hung up the phone.

"You moron." I slapped Ten on the back of the head. "He'd already answered the phone; she probably heard everything you said."

"Oh . . . fuck." Ten glanced at Gamble. "My bad."

"You mean, Lowe's bad," Gamble muttered. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Damn it."

I ran my hands through my hair. This was going to end badly. And I could  only picture one person getting hurt: Mason's girlfriend.

When Mason finally came out of the bathroom, I was ready to pin him to the wall by the throat and demand answers.

When we all turned to him, he jerked to a halt and rasped, "What?" Then  his face went sheet white. "Jesus, she's not gone, is she?"

"Um." Gamble sent him a guilty cringe. "No, she's gone, but . . . uh, we  might've just . . . accidentally told your girlfriend what happened."  When Mason only stared at him, Gamble cleared his throat. "Your phone  rang . . . and then it rang again. I was only going to let her know you  were away for a minute, but . . . yeah . . . sorry, man."

Mason rushed to his phone like some kind of prick who was about to spill  every excuse in the book to his unsuspecting girlfriend. But as soon as  he said, "Reese?" the front doors of the club banged opened.

"Let me guess," a girl with straight, long dark hair said as she stormed  into Forbidden. "Mrs. Garrison just showed up to announce you'd put a  baby in her."

I was so busy gaping at Mason's girlfriend I didn't notice someone had  come in with her. And when I did, I didn't immediately glance at the  second person because I was too busy trying to gauge Reese's reaction.  Surprisingly, she didn't look as pissed or hurt I as thought she would.  She looked more resigned, as if she'd expected this to happen all along.