Reading Online Novel

Accordance (Significance #2)(35)

“Well they’d expect us to pack up and leave right this second so we’ll do the opposite. We’ll stay and leave a little later like we planned.”
“Yeah…you’re probably right about that,” I muttered as he got on the phone.
He made arrangements as he promised her and then went to wake her up. He told her to call her dad and tell him to pack a few things and come get her. It took some convincing with her father and Caleb eventually had to get on the phone himself and use his stern voice. He came quickly, within ten minutes, and Caleb gave her a little money.
“Now, don’t tell anyone where you are, just go and stay for a while.”
“Thank you,” she said to him and sniffled, looking over at me. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok, be safe.”
She nodded as she left and we both sighed like we’d accomplished something but we really hadn’t. We were still knee deep in the thick of the mess.
“What are we gonna do?” I asked again.
“I’m not sure what we’re going do but right now, I’m going to make breakfast.”
I followed him into the kitchen, clearly thinking I’d misunderstood him.
“You’re making breakfast?”
“Yep, we all have to eat and there’s no way I’m going back to sleep now.”
“But…don’t we need to…” I sighed and braced my hands on the counter in defeat.
“Come here.” I walked slowly around the counter to where he was and he wrapped a hand around my wrist, running a thumb over the soft skin there making me sigh again, but in release this time. “Help me, it’ll take your mind off.”
“What are we making?” I said in resignation.
“My aunt left a quiche recipe here. It’s so good, you’ll forget about everything else.”
I looked up at his face, his blue eyes so focused on me and willing to do anything to make me feel better and keep me safe. How had I gotten so lucky?
“I’m the lucky one,” he muttered under his breath and kissed my forehead, lingering there for a moment that I knew was for him. To feel me against his skin and keep his own anger and concern in check. “You wanna chop mushrooms or beat eggs?”
“Mushrooms,” I said and reached up to kiss his dimple before heading to the fridge.
When everyone woke, except Bish, Beck and Ralph, they were pretty surprised that breakfast was ready, especially Rachel, who was impeccable in her slacks while everyone else slouched around in sleepwear, even Peter. I wondered what she looked like in a bathrobe but figured I’d never see that. Peter was almost comical in his pinstripe silk pajama pants and white t-shirt. Even his pajamas were somehow business like. I must’ve chuckled out loud because I felt breath on my neck and arms around me.
“What are you laughing at?”
“Nothing. Thank you for this, I do feel better.”
He nodded and rubbed his nose on my cheek as I looked back at him. Then Bish made an appearance and everything stopped. We all waited for…something. Caleb released me and took a step away which made give him a look that said he didn’t have to do that. Bish came and stood in front of me before giving me a big hard hug. That’s when I realized why Caleb had moved away.“Morning, Mags,” Bish muttered as he moved away and sat at the table. Caleb and I followed and Peter dug in. That was the signal for everyone and we all started. It was awkward and silent. Bish must have noticed too. “Everyone just stop already. I’m not gonna break like a porcelain plate if you talk or move around me. Ok? Can someone please pass the salt?”
Peter asked me in my mind if Beck and Ralph were still sleeping. I nodded.
The clear crystal salt shaker went from one side of the table to the other in a slow slide but no one touched it. Bish caught it in his fingers and looked around with wide eyes to see if anyone else saw it too.
“I don’t really have a name for what I do,” Peter explained without prompt. “I’m the first of our kind to be able to find and move earthly elements, like salt.”
“Alright,” Bish said easily, hesitating only a moment before sprinkling a little salt on his quiche. “Anyone else wants to lay it on the table, so to speak?” he said dryly.
“I can move metal,” Rachel volunteered with a cheery smile and I read Bish’ first thought.
“That’s her nickname,” I told him, reminding him of my ability too.
“It’s fitting,” he said and smiled to her. “Do you…do you mind if I can see it?” he asked shyly.
Her answer was to smile and remove his chain from around his neck, the cross he keeps under his shirt. It came easily from around his head, hovering in the air for a second and landing in his outstretched palm. He flashed a surprised smile and looked at her with new eyes.
“Awesome,” he muttered, “Anyone else? Jen?” he asked though he’d already asked her this last night.
He was doing it just to talk to her again and she smiled despite it all.
“I don’t have one. I’m not imprinted, remember?” she said softly.
“Oh yeah,” he answered, looking at her closely. He sent a small smile which she returned. “That’s right.”
His mind was thinking it was a shame that she was alone, that she was so incredibly beautiful and smart and sweet and he‘d give anything to be another person in another life. She was thinking pretty much the same thing about him. Then he looked around at us all.
“Caleb?” he asked just a little bit harder than needed.
“I don’t have one either. I’m an imprinted freak,” he said with a smirk but he was feeling a new sting at having to start telling people he didn’t have an ability.
“Caleb, don’t say that,” Rachel scolded and turned to Bish. “Caleb didn’t get his ability, we don’t know why.” 
“Bad karma,” Bish mused and chuckled.
“Bish,” I said.
“Just kidding. So, Dad, have you drunk the Kool-Aid too?” he asked laughing which prompted us all to laugh.
He was taking it all in stride, a complete turn around from last night.
“No, afraid not. I’m still just little old me.”
Bish nodded and took a big bite, smiling as he chewed. It was amazing.
~ Seventeen ~
Beck and Ralph came down shortly after that, bouncing and nuzzling each other as they walked into the full kitchen. Beck stopped mid giggle and straightened up.
“Morning,” she chimed brightly and turned to hide her blush as she grabbed a glass from the cupboard.
Ralph took a seat at the counter on the stool and eyed the quiche beside him.
“So what are we doing today since we apparently aren’t going home like we should,” Dad said and glanced at me meaningfully.
“Well…we need to talk, but later, not now,” I said thinking of Amber’s confession.
“Let’s go surfing,” Caleb interjected to force a subject change. “Maggie’s gotten pretty good at it.”
“Oooh,” Beck crooned happily. “But I don’t have a board.”
“We have plenty in the back.”
“Yes, let’s,” Peter said and stood. “It’ll be good for everyone to focus on something else for a while.”
Beck and Ralph looked at each other.
“Sorry, did we interrupt something?” she asked, biting her thumb nail.
“No, you’re fine, just stress. Let’s all go get suited up for the beach.”
As he and the rest of them filed out, I got up to stand beside Beck.
“Caleb taught me to surf after we’d been here a few days. It‘s so fun.”
“I wish I knew how. Like, I could find a genie to teach me to surf in like, a minute,” she mused. I heard Caleb chuckle behind me as he and Ralph headed upstairs to get ready. “I don’t want to spend my whole time learning, but oh well. At least we’ll get to strut ourselves on the beach right?”
“Yeah, Beck. Sure.”
I smiled as I grabbed her hand and towed her to get ready.
“It’s freezing! Like ice!” Beck complained.
“Babe, just get in already,” Ralph yelled, exasperated, as he sat on the board in the water. “How am I gonna teach you to surf if you won’t get in the water?”
“Fine!” she yelled as I watched her plunge in and sputter when she got splashed in the face. She came up with a piece of seaweed on her neck. “Ooooh!” she squealed while she fluttered it off with swinging arms. “It got in my hair!”
“It’s just seaweed!”
“I don’t see you with seaweed in your hair!”
I laughed and turned to see Bish and Jen sitting on sand, with their shorts and t-shirts on. They were close enough to talk but not enough to touch with Bella in between them. I’d long since tuned them out. The inner rant of misplaced feelings was too much to handle. She laughed at something he said and he smiled in enjoyment.
I bit the side of my lip and pondered what to do. It was really getting out of hand and it seemed that warning Bish about her was only making him want her more. Men.
“Hey,” Caleb said starting towing me into the water with him. “Not all men.”
“You’re not worried about this?”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “But…it kills me that she wants it so bad and can’t have it. I want her to be happy.”
“And I want him to be happy. But at what cost?”“Ok, enough, where’s our stress free bubble anyway?” he said and wrapped his arms around my waist.